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Hair Treatment

Hair Treatment

Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution to the problem of thinning hair or baldness. In hair transplantation, the patient’s own healthy hair follicles that are resistant to shedding in the nape area are collected and transplanted into the channels opened in the thinning or completely shedding parts.

To whom can hair transplantation be applied?

The general health status of the people should not pose a risk for the operation,
* By the age of 21 – 22, healthy and permanent hair transplantation can be done,
* Hair transplantation cannot be performed on people who are congenitally balding and do not have hair in the donor area,
* Hair transplantation cannot be performed on people with diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C,
* High blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Patients can have hair transplantation with the approval of the doctor.

Does the transplanted hair fall out after hair transplantation?

The transplanted hair is shed within a few weeks following the transplanting process; but this is normal. Shedding hair grows back after 3-4 months. After this temporary shedding is resolved, the transplanted hair follicles preserve their character and do not fall out.

Do patients feel pain during hair transplantation?

Since hair transplantation is an operation performed under local anesthesia, no pain is felt under any circumstances.